Asbestos Exposure in Iraq

Recently discharged Veterans have many health concerns, including PTSD, burn pit exposure, traumatic brain injury, and limb loss, among others.  One health issue for those who served in Iraq is the potential exposure to asbestos when older buildings were damaged and the contaminant released into the air.   As mesothelioma and other asbestos health issues often take decades to appear, Iraq Veterans need to advise all future medical providers that they may have been exposed to asbestos during service, so that all proper testing and diagnosis are provided.

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Louisiana Veterans and Asbestos Exposure

Veterans who served on ships know more about asbestos products than   most.  Louisiana Veterans not only faced potential asbestos exposure while in the military, but also following discharge.  Many Veterans, especially those in Southeast Louisiana, were employed at shipyards, in pipefitting, carpentry, insulation work, demolition of old buildings, or other types of construction and manufacturing.    Continue reading “Louisiana Veterans and Asbestos Exposure”