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Law Office of Michael J. Sepanik. Representing Veterans in Louisiana and Nationwide.
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The PACT Act is somewhat misunderstood. First, it is a great help to Veterans who have been fighting for service connection for many years, as it removes the key hurdle to establish service connection. However, the PACT Act does not establish new or different benefits; instead, it ensures Veterans who served in Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan (among other locations) are presumptively service-connected for certain disabilities related to service in those locations.
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The VA healthcare system provides much-needed access to medical care for millions of Veterans each year. Although the majority of VA healthcare professionals are mission-focused and provide quality care to the Veterans they serve, the titanic size of the VA healthcare system permits negligent and sometimes even willful practitioners to repeatedly harm Veterans due to a lack of oversight and accountability at certain VA medical facilities. As demonstrated in the linked Washington Post article, incompetent and/or impaired practitioners not properly supervised or whose adverse events are not monitored in systematic fashion can harm or kill large numbers of patients at a single VA medical facility.
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VA Medical Centers provide care to more patients than any other single provider in the United States. Due to the large number of physicians and medical specialists employed by the VA, the VA sometimes fails to obtain a patient’s informed consent prior to performing a proposed medical procedure. Continue reading “Informed Consent: Did Your VA Medical Provider Warn You of the Risks?”
About one-third of VA outpatient medical appointments now take place outside VA facilities, but a new report shows that private referrals still involve lengthy wait times….Please click the link below to access the full article.
When VA medical providers commit malpractice and seriously injure a Veteran, Section 1151 provides benefits to compensate the Veteran. There are two theories that may be asserted. Continue reading “VA Medical Malpractice: 1151 Claims”
On occasion, VA physicians and medical staff make mistakes when drafting their notes. Veterans have the right to request amendments to any information in their health record. Continue reading “Veterans Tip: Set Your Medical Records Straight”